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湖南这十个避暑胜地,你打卡了吗?Hunan These Ten Summer Resorts, Do You Want to Go?

2024-08-28 16:59:44 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]


本次活动以“清凉消夏 ‘湘’约湖南”为主题,旨在抓住夏季避暑旅游新业态新热点,大力宣传推介湖南省“清凉”资源优势,把绿水青山“氧化”为“金山银山”,把凉爽的气候资源转化为有形的避暑产品,进一步树立湖南避暑旅游品牌。(来源:新湖南)

On August 27, 2024, the award ceremony of the 2024 most market favorite Hunan summer vacation destination and the third Guidong County Kangxiao Summer Vacation Festival, was held in Guidong County. Among them, 10 counties, including Guidong County and Yiling County, were honored as the top ten recreational and summer vacation destinations in Hunan Province.

The event was held under the theme of "cool summer in Hunan". Aiming to seize the new hotspot of summer tourism, vigorously publicize and promote the "cool" resource advantages of Hunan Province. The green mountains "oxidized" into "gold silver mountain", the cool climate resources into tangible summer products, and further establish the Hunan summer tourism brand.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:龙晓龙 二审:卢小伟 三审:石伟)