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长沙⇄湘潭“水上城际公交”预计明年开通 Changsha ⇄ Xiangtan "Water Intercity Bus" is Expected to be Opened Next Year

2024-08-27 17:48:53 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]



August 26, Wanlou Tourist Terminal project has made new progress in recent days, the barge dock construction has completed the bidding and determined to build a shipyard.After the completion of the Wanlou Tourist Terminal, will pull through Xiangtan's first water intercity tourist passenger routes, then take the water line, swim Xiangjiang River will become a reality.

The Wanlou Tourist Terminal project is expected to begin construction within the year and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2025. It will pull together attractions along the Xiangjiang River and form a chain of pearls through the route: such as Xiangtan's Zhaoshan Forest Park, Wanlou Scenic Spot, Yaowan Historical and Cultural Neighborhoods, Yangmeizhou, etc.; Changsha's Juzi Zhou, Dawangshan Tourist Resort and so on.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:龙晓龙 二审:卢小伟 三审:石伟)