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感受种子力量 省植物园开展杂交水稻科普活动 Feel the Power of Seeds Provincial Botanical Garden to Carry out Hybrid Rice Science Activities

2024-08-15 17:42:09 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




On August 14, Hunan Provincial Botanical Garden carried out the joint action of "Science Creation and Dream Building" for 2024 science education bases—Discovering the Beauty of Basic Science-Hybrid Rice's First Science Experience. The theme is "Rice genetics and hybridization". More than 20 elementary and middle school students and parents were on hand to experience the power of seeds.

During the activity experience, the group, led by the instructor, first observed the morphological structure of the flower and conducted anatomical studies. The tools were then used to simulate flower pollination experiments and to explore rice cross-breeding techniques. 

After completing the basic experiment, they performed a gene pairing experiment using a twister to simulate genotypes. Uncovering the process of inheritance, the occurrence of variation and the reasons for the creation of hybridization advantages. They experience the scientific story behind China's hybrid rice from scratch, from availability to high yield, and from high yield to adaptability.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:杨露 二审:余画 三审:鲁红)