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11个颗粒物雷达监测点给长沙空气做“CT” 11 Particulate Matter Radar Monitoring Points to Changsha Air “CT”

2024-07-26 18:15:59 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




Vehicle exhaust, open burning, industrial wastewater emissions...In the face of environmental problems in urban and rural air and rivers, if you want the public to breathe fresh air and see blue water and blue sky, scientific and technological means and monitoring systems need to keep up.

July 24th, the reporter learned from the Changsha City Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the province's first, the country's leading water environment monitoring intelligent laboratory and 11 particulate matter radar monitoring sites covering Changsha City. They are for Changsha's ecological environment “escort”.

In many cities, when you look up at night sky of city, have you ever seen a mysterious green light? It's not a landscape light nor an alien, it's an environmental monitoring device. Through the application of atmospheric particulate matter radar detection technology, whereby Lidar emits continuous pulses of laser light into the atmosphere. Obtain backscattering signals from the atmosphere, they continuously monitor the distribution of atmospheric aerosols, analyze the compositional structure and spatial and temporal evolutionary characteristics of aerosols, and identify particulate pollution processes, sand and dust pollution processes.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:杨露 二审:蒋俊 三审:鲁红)