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油画家们为这个村庄画了150多幅画 Oil Painters Have Painted More than 150 Paintings of This Village

2024-07-25 10:22:38 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]

7月23日,“忆红色之路 绘美好生活”油画作品展在湖南省文化馆开幕,展出80幅油画家的作品。




On July 23rd, “Remembering the Red Road, Painting a Better Life” oil painting exhibition opened in Hunan Provincial Culture Center, displaying 80 oil painters' works.

From April 17th to 19th this year, more than 50 painters from all over the country were invited to Jinjiadi Village, Bazishao Town, Heshan District, Yiyang City, to create works. Jinjiadi Village gave birth to the earliest rural branch of the Communist Party of China in Hunan Province. Jinjiadi Branch, the Jinjiadi Branch Exhibition Hall in the village, records the moving deeds of Ouyang Diyu, Ouyang Ze and other revolutionary forefathers who fought hard for the motherland and the people.

During the process, the painters visited the villages and households, visited the Jinjiadi branch exhibition hall, deeply understood the red culture of Jinjiadi village, from which they drew strength and created more than 150 oil paintings. Finally, 80 oil paintings were carefully selected for exhibition.

The exhibited works show the unforgettable history of Jinjiadi Village and the beautiful picture of life in the new era. Each piece of artwork is an inheritance of the Red Spirit, and the audience can feel the change of the times and the progress of society while enjoying the art.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:谢振华 二审:蒋俊 三审:鲁红)