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湘博之夜,古乐湘音叫人迷 The Night of Xiangbo, Ancient Music and Hunan Music Enchanting

2024-07-25 10:18:46 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




Daruan, Konghou, Duyou Qin, Shao Music, Ganqi Dance, Liuyang Temple Confucius Festival music ...in summer, “Xiang Museum Night” is moving.

On the evening of July 23, a unique “Ancient Music Xiangyin” Hunan music and cultural heritage salon was held in Hunan Museum. Numerous musicians gathered together in the form of musical performances and cultural relics exhibition, leading the audience to experience the glorious history of Hunan music culture from the primitive germ to the ritual music of Shang and Zhou, and from the sound of Chu in the Warring States to the songs and dances of Han and Jin.

The carefully choreographed performances lead the audience to trace the ancient roots of Hunan music and explore its modern inheritance and innovation. The Music Salon also innovatively integrates musical performances with cultural relics exhibitions, with a narrator explaining the relevant cultural relics and their backstories to the audience in conjunction with a video at the end of each performance. Artifacts such as the Bronze Pig Chime and the Duyou Qin provide strong evidence of the origin and development of music.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:谢振华 二审:蒋俊 三审:鲁红)