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年轻人带火“zoo walk”,动物园成情绪治愈所 Zoos Become Emotional Healing Places as Young People Spark Zoo Walk

2024-07-25 10:06:46 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]

看犀牛在阳光下进食,看猴子在栖架上晒太阳,看鹦鹉斗嘴……最近,“zoo walk”在年轻人群体中火了,各大动物园内从以往的“遛娃圣地”变成年轻人情绪治愈所,一股“zoo walk”风在年轻人中刮得正旺。


长沙生态动物园工作人员谭女士介绍,园内加强了对游客的科普与教育引导,鼓励游客文明观赏、爱护动物、尊重自然。“zoo walk”的热潮下,越来越多年轻人开始关注自然、关注生态、关注动物保护,不再满足于作为旁观者,而是希望能够成为自然的守护者。(来源:三湘都市报)

Watch rhinos feed in the sun, monkeys sunbathe on perches, and parrots fight...Recently, the “zoo walk” has become popular among young people. Many zoos from the previous “walking children mecca” into young people's emotional healing place, a “zoo walk” wind in the young people are blowing.

From shopping to the zoo, from camping and hiking to the spread of the “20-minute park theory,” nature has become a refueling station for young people's minds. There are “N” ways to open up nature to this class of young people. Over the past few days, the reporter visited a number of zoos in Changsha, and found that tourists are mostly young groups.

Ms. Tan, a staff member of Changsha Ecological Zoo, introduced that the park has strengthened the popularization of science and education guidance for tourists, encouraging tourists to civilized viewing, care for animals and respect for nature. Under the craze of“zoo walk”, more and more young people have started to pay attention to nature, ecology and animal protection, and they are no longer satisfied with being bystanders, but hope to become the guardians of nature.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:谢振华 二审:蒋俊 三审:鲁红)