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“渔阳王后和她的汉长沙国”开展 Queen Yuyang of Changsha Kingdom of Han Dynasty and Her Era” was Opened

2024-07-25 10:00:20 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




On the evening of July 22nd, “She Came from Chang'an - Queen Yuyang of Changsha Kingdom of Han Dynasty and Her Era” was opened at Changsha Museum. With the tomb of Queen Yuyang of Changsha of the Western Han Dynasty as the main character, the exhibition displays nearly 200 pieces of fine relics of the Changsha Kingdom of the Han Dynasty, such as gold, silver, jade, and bronzes.

The exhibition is presented in the form of “physical display + digital exhibits”. It is divided into three units: “Princess out of the Han Court·Queen Yuyang”, “Help Guard the Southern Border·Han Changsha Kingdom”, “Interpretation of the Great Han style·Her Era”. In addition to the physical display, the exhibition hall also has digital exhibits using various technological means such as drone aerial survey, 3D laser scanning, 3D modeling, animation production, etc., which vividly display the structural layout of the tomb of the Queen of Yuyang, the life scenes of the Han Dynasty, and so on.

The exhibition will be open until February 16th, 2025, free of charge. During the exhibition period, the museum will also organize “Museum Night”, Chinese costume show, expert guide and other activities, inviting the public visitors to “travel” to the Han Chansa State more than 2,000 years ago, to experience the usual Han life.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:谢振华 二审:蒋俊 三审:鲁红)