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早稻受涝,农技人员指导农户生产自救 Early Rice Flooded, Agricultural Technicians Guide Farmers to Self-help Production

2024-06-28 17:15:07 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]



On June 26th, in Langtang Township, Xinhua County, agricultural technicians came to the field to check the damage of early rice. Affected by persistent heavy rainfall, early rice in the town in the period of flowering and grouting was damaged, with empty shell rate and black spike grains, reducing yields severely.

Langtang Township organized a number of flood control and disaster prevention teams, in-depth timely drainage of the fields to avoid waterlogging in the fields and reduce the humidity in the fields. They urgently purchased a number of plant growth regulators, seize the rainy season spray application, control blight, rice variegation, and promote rice spike. At the same time, they actively contact the insurance company staff, do a good job of early rice nuclear loss claims, minimize farmers' losses.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:谢振华 二审:蒋俊 三审:石伟)