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“家园”被淹,麋鹿携妻带子来到沅江帮它们建的“生命驿站” "Homes" Flooded, Elk to the "Life Station" Built for them in Yuanjiang

2024-06-28 10:23:48 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




With the onset of the flood season, as the water level of Dongting Lake continues to rise, most of the continental beaches are submerged, compressing the habitat and activity areas of rare wildlife such as elk, threatening the safety of their populations. Yuanjiang City has built several safety platforms on the South Dongting Lake, which are like "life stations" to provide safety protection for rare wildlife such as elk during floods.

In the water called Xingangzi in South Dongting Lake, a vast lake with green reeds, more than 10 elk stand on a brownish-red mound. The male elk's horns are flared and the female elk is gentle and graceful.

When the flood came, the originalelk habitat located in the East Dongting Lake Wetland Reserve was submerged, and theelk, with their wives and children, swam the big lake, wore reeds, and searched for an oasis where they could live in the vast Dongting Lake.(翻译:万姗姗视频:实习生 王泽宇)

(一审:田镇圆 二审:蒋俊 三审:石伟)