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黄兰英∶漫漫百岁路,悠悠瑶医情 Huang Lanying: The Long Road to 100 Years of Age, The Long Love of Yao Medicine

2024-06-26 09:10:44 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]





Between the lofty mountains of Jianghua Yao Autonomous County are countless folds. Unassuming herbs dot the hills and mountains of greenery in Zhangmukou Village, Xiangjiang Township.

84 years ago, Huang Lanying, a young Yao girl, followed her father and grandfather through the dense mountain forests, picking, recognizing and tasting herbs to learn the ancient and long-lasting art of Yao medicine.

The mountains have no words and the years are like the wind. In a flash, her life has reached the age of 102.

Since asssuming the mantle, Huang Lanying has guarded the family's fifth-generation Yao medical skills, and can't remember how many folks have been relieved of their ailments. Today, the 100-year-old woman continues to pick herbs and run around practicing medicine. A good story about perseverance, indifference, inheritance and goodness rises in the depths of Yao village.

(一审:罗江龙 二审:蒋俊 三审:石伟)