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洪水来了,“迷路”小麋鹿被救助上岸 Flooding, "Lost" Baby Elk Rescued ashore

2024-06-24 17:25:01 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]



The elk took to the road after their habitat was flooded due to the rising waters ofDongting Lake. At about 10:00 on June 24, good news came from Deerhorn Wharf in Yueyang County on the shores of Dongting Lake: A "lost"elk in the lake, was successfully rescued to shore.

At about 9:00, the Yueyang County Transportation Bureau Water Transportation Center Law Enforcement Brigade staff drove a submarine boat on the water inspection. Passing through the waters near Lanzi Island, they found anelk sinking and floating in the water, in critical condition. They rushed close to it to shore, on-site rescue, and reported to the forestry department, launched a "life rescue". Subsequently, the local transportation, forestry, protected areas and other departments to rescue, the elk was successfully rescued ashore.

(一审:蒋宇 二审:蒋俊 三审:石伟)