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老鹰抓小“机” 张家界大峡谷神奇一幕 Eagle Catching Small "Machine",Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Magical Scene

2024-06-21 17:58:08 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]



On June 20th, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Scenic Area staff encountered afalco peregrinus chasing in the air while inspecting with a drone. Drone footage captured this thrilling and amazing scene.

Eagles catching drones is not the first time in Zhangjiajie. Last month, at the Jiutian Peaks Scenic Area, a drone was flying at a constant speed when an eagle came straight at a rock wall not far away. Slow-play footage reveals that the eagle also made a larger turn as it approached the drone, like a postural adjustment to confuse its prey before capturing it. The reason for the incident, some zoologists believe, is that the drone approached the bird's nest and entered its territory. The eagle thought there was a possibility of harm to it, so it adopted a self-protective behavior and captured the drone instead.

(一审:田镇圆 二审:蒋俊 三审:石伟)