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爷爷用编织袋装2万余元现金给孙女治病Grandpa Packs More than 20,000 Yuan in cash in a Woven Bag for Granddaughter"s Medical Treatment

2024-06-18 17:36:47 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]





Huanhuan (a pseudonym) is a 4-year-old girl from Shaoyang, Hunan Province. In May this year, she developed fever symptoms, her father initially thought it was just a common cold and did not pay much attention to it. One day while having dinner, Huanhuan developed severe vomiting of blood and was admitted to the local hospital and later transferred to Hunan Children's Hospital.

Through examination, it was found that Huanhuan suffered from portal vein cavernous degeneration and congenital developmental malformation of the large blood vessels of the liver, accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding. The situation is critical and requires immediate surgery.

Whenlearning of his granddaughter's diagnosis,the grandfather, who had always loved his granddaughter, took out the money he had saved over the years without saying a word. He folded money neatly one by one, tied with rubber bands, put into a woven bag. And the mouth of the bag tied tightly. He accompanied his granddaughter all the way to the hospital. When he opened the money bag and pleaded with the doctors to save his granddaughter, the paramedics were in tears.

At 8 a.m. on June 14th, Huanhuan underwent successful surgery. The procedure was very successful and Huanhuan is now doing well.

(一审:蒋宇 二审:蒋俊 三审:石伟)