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这个端午,湖南迎来了1300多万游客 This Dragon Boat Festival, Hunan Welcomed More than 13 Million Tourists

2024-06-11 17:35:40 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




Just past the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Hunan received a total of 13,688,100 tourists, the same caliber than last year's holiday growth of 23.7%. By calculation, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Hunan tourists spent a total of 9.681 billion yuan, the same caliber than the previous year's holiday growth of 25.34%.

All over the province carried out a colorful, distinctive Dragon Boat Festival folk activities, including the most grand dragon boat race. Dragon boat racing in various cities and states has brought a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival folk culture feast for citizens and tourists.

During the vacation, each region enriched the supply of cultural and tourism products, immersive performances, interactive experiences, intelligent tourism and other new products and new forms to emerge. Self-driving tours have become mainstream, and rural tours are highly favored. There are also various cultural and tourism benefits, which are popular among tourists. For example, there are scenic spots launched“a high rice dumplings”Dragon Boat Festival theme activities, college entrance examination students with the exam pass can be free to play in the park.

(一审:夏博 二审:余画 三审:鲁红)