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后湖“捡”瓷:属于长沙瓷友的快乐 Houhu “Pick Up” Porcelain: Happiness Belong to Changsha People

2024-05-22 17:42:07 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




“Pick up” porcelain do not have to go to Liling, Changsha can! At the Wild Youth Market, a variety of beautifully crafted and affordable porcelains attract many visitors.

The porcelains here come from Liling, Zhuzhou, andare mainly cups, with some plates, dishes and vases. Different areas, different price. Prosperity and frugality come from people. Manyporcelains are only a few yuan or even free. When you check out, the waiter will wrap it in newspaper, and it's just so ceremonial. Many people were completely unable to control their excited hearts and trembling hands, exclaiming that it was just too cheap. Although the prices are good and theporcelain is beautiful, don't“pick up” too much or you'll feel like you're lifting iron when you leave.

When you are tired of“pick up” porcelain, you can sit downstairs and taste the bread and tea, where the environment is cozy and the style is fashionable. In addition, you can also stop by Houhu to see the scenery, enjoy the evening breeze and listen to a“wild” concert.

(一审:田镇圆 二审:卢小伟 三审:鲁红)