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稻香永存 丰年不忘 The Fragrance of Rice is Forever, the Year of Abundance will not be Forgotten

2024-05-22 17:36:15 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]




“Man is like a seed, be a good seed”, this is Yuan Longping often saidduring his life. And he spent his life writing a footnote to this sentence. A grain of rice helps the world, and ten thousand families have enough food. When the wind blows the rice, those who are full of food should always remember YuanLongping.

Yuan Longping is the pioneer of China's research and development of hybrid rice, and the world's first scientist to successfully utilize hybrid advantage in rice. He is a real cultivator and often says that he has two dreams: one is the dream of cooling off under the crop; the other is the dream of global coverage of hybrid rice. In 2020, at the age of 90, he also made a third dream:“Research on China's saline soil to completely solve China's worries on food, so that the Chinese people can eat well!”

For these dreams, Yuan has never stopped and has become a faithfulcatcher in the rice fields. Today, all three of his dreams have been fulfilled. On the third anniversary of Yuan Longping's death, eating well is the best comfort for Grandpa Yuan!

(一审:田镇圆 二审:卢小伟 三审:鲁红)