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婚礼上飞来一只蝴蝶让新郎泪崩 A butterfly Flew in at the Wedding and Brought the Groom to Tears

2024-05-08 17:29:59 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]







Recently, at a wedding in Santang Town, Xiangyin County, a warm and magical scene quietly occurred.

The groom said on the stage, his grandmother died last year. The eve of the wedding, he had sent a message to his grandmother, said that therewas still a week before his wedding, if shewould like to come to participate in, itwould become a “butterfly” fell on his shoulders, so that we know that it is the grandmother to come.

The groom burst into tears as he spoke, and so coincidentally, that's when a white butterfly fluttered in. When the groom saw this, he could not helpcrying.

Netizens have said that they were moved and reminded of their own grandmothers. The butterfly is not only a coincidence, but also a testimony of love and longing.

This matter was reported by the media. So that more people know how to cherish:cherish the time spent with their loved ones, know how to be grateful, thankful for every warmth and love in life.

(一审:杨露 二审:余画 三审:石伟)