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张家界在这项“国考”中排名全国第二 Zhangjiajie Ranked Second in this "National Exam"

2024-04-30 15:55:04 [来源:华声在线] [撰稿:万姗姗]



The Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced the national surface water environmental quality status in the first quarter of 2024, with a total of 3,641 national surface water assessment sections participating in the water quality rankings across the country.Zhangjiajie is second in the national ranking of national surface water assessment sections in cities, refreshing the city's and even Hunan's best results on this list.

Howdoes Zhangjiajie do it?This year, Zhangjiajie continues tokeep our skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean. It coordinates and harmonizes water environment, water resources and water ecology. Zhangjiajie systematically promotes the battle for the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River and the“4+1”project for pollution control in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.It continues to polish the bright color of Zhangjiajie's green development with practical actions.


(一审:夏博 二审:邓望军 三审:蒋玉青)