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“不尽潇湘”展览开幕:带你走进油画里的三湘四水 Opening of “Endless Xiangxiang” Exhibition

2025-01-14 16:03:04    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]

1月12日 ,“不尽潇湘——湖南油画的开拓与绵延”展览在湖南美术馆开幕。步入展厅,仿佛踏入了一条艺术的时光隧道,120 余件油画作品有序陈列,它们是从近现代跨越至当代的艺术结晶,每一幅都承载着湖南油画发展的记忆,共同铺就了一部鲜活的湖南油画艺术史书。


On January 12, the exhibition of “Endless Xiaoxiang--Hunan Oil Painting's Expansion and Extension” was opened in Hunan Art Museum. Stepping into the exhibition hall, it is like stepping into a time tunnel of art. 120 pieces of oil paintings are displayed in an orderly manner, which are the crystallization of art spanning from modern times to contemporary times. Each of them carries the memory of the development of oil painting in Hunan, and together they create a vivid history of oil painting in Hunan.

With the theme of “Endless Hunan”, this exhibition aims to show the pioneering spirit and continuous development of Hunan oil painting art through a series of oil painting masterpieces across the ages. The exhibition is divided into five chapters, namely, “Xiangshuiyinchao”, “Yueluzhuji”, “Jianghuhaihui”, “Chutianjimu” and “Furongzhaoxia”, which systematically and clearly show the development and artistic achievements of Hunan oil painting in different historical stages.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:罗江龙 二审:邓望军 三审:蒋玉青)