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湖南第三金!侯志慧卫冕冠军 Hunan"s Third Gold! Hou Zhihui Defends Her Title

2024-08-08 16:12:53    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]



湖南体育职业学院举重中心,是侯志慧梦开始的地方。“侯志慧,加油!加油!!”8日凌晨的湖南体育职业学院举重中心训练馆座无虚席,红旗飘扬,侯志慧的教练和队友们齐聚为侯志慧呐喊助威。(来源:华声在线 记者:邹伟瑜 李梓潇 康蒙 视频:向希)

In the women's weightlifting 49kg final of the Paris Olympics held in the early hours of Beijing time on the 8th, Chinese weightlifting star Hou Zhihui defended her title with a snatch of 89 kilograms, a clean and jerk of 117 kilograms and a total of 206 kilograms. For the Chinese weightlifting team to collect the second gold medal in this year's Olympic Games. It is also the third gold won by Hunan athletes at the Paris Olympics.

Hou Zhihui, 27, was born in Meitang Village, Guiyang County, Chenzhou, Hunan Province. In November 2009, she entered the Hunan Provincial Weightlifting Team for training. She has won the 2019 World Cup, the 2021 Asian Championships, the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, and several national championships.

Hunan Sports Vocational College Weightlifting Center is where Hou Zhihui's dream began. "HOU Zhihui, go for it! Go for it!" In the early morning of the 8th, Hunan Sports Vocational College weightlifting center training hall was packed, red flags flying, Hou Zhihui's coaches and teammates gathered for her shouting and cheering.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:罗江龙 二审:卢小伟 三审:石伟)