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夏收开镰!汝城早稻收成喜人 Summer harvest kicks off! Early Rice Harvest in Rucheng is Pleasing

2024-07-22 09:16:43    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]



July 18th, early rice ofRucheng County townships and towns has been ripe, into the harvest stage, farmers seize the favorable opportunity of good weather, began to harvest early rice. In Rucheng County, Oushi mountain of rice farming family farm early rice harvest site, the person in charge of the farm said that this year improved planting and management techniques, despite the amount of rain this year than in previous years, but the early rice growth is good, as well as the harvest.

According to the Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, most of the 39,300 acres of early rice in Rucheng County are in the maturity stage, and the harvest is expected to be basically completed in late July.(翻译:万姗姗)

(一审:杨露 二审:蒋俊 三审:鲁红)