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长沙火车站速排3.2万m³积水全靠它 Changsha Railway Station Drainage of 32,000m³ of Water Depends on It

2024-06-28 10:43:48    [撰稿:万姗姗]   





Over the past few days, torrential rains continue to hit Changsha, low-lying sections of urban areas, areas of water surging, affecting travel. Changsha Railway Station drained 32,000 m³of water in just two hours amidst heavy rains,which was the equivalent of 15 national professional swimming pools. This staged flood control "Changsha speed", triggered the network hot discussion.

How did the storm water drain away so quickly? Where did the drained water go? Behind this is a Changsha version of the Red Flag Canal.

Changsha Red Flag Canal is not an aqueduct in the traditional sense, but a well-connected system of rainwater and sewage drainage pipes under the city. The system was built in the 1970s and can fulfill the dual function of discharging rainwater into rivers and sewage into sewage treatment plants for purification and discharge. Changsha is undergoing a drainage renovation of the Red Flag Canal system, which is expected to be completed in August 2025, due to severe corrosion of some of the canals.

Upon completion of the Red Flag Drainage Improvement Project, it will assume the function of a stormwater network. The new intercepting trunk sewers will assume the function of sewage network and realize the rainwater and sewage diversion in Changsha. Not only will effectively prevent sewage into the river, protect the Liuyang River water environment, but also will play the underground pipe network drainage storage function, help urban disaster prevention and flood control.(翻译:万姗姗 视频:实习生 王泽宇)

(一审:田镇圆 二审:蒋俊 三审:石伟)