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湖南牵手海南!奥运冠军都来加油打call啦 Hunan Hand in Hand with Hainan! The Olympic Champions are Coming to Cheer

2024-05-29 14:43:28    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]




Recently, the 12th National Ethnic Minority Traditional Sports Games,“Hunan in Action” publicity and warm-up activities were held in Changsha.

Olympic champions Long Qingquan and Xiang Yanmei gathered at Hunan Provincial People's Stadium with some workers of Hunan Provincial People'sCommittee, Jishou University's ethnic fitness gymnastics team, Hunan Normal University's ethnic wushu team, and representatives of Changsha's ethnic groups. They cheered for Hunan and Sanya, Hainan, where the 12th National Minority Traditional Sports Games would be held, through live performances and interactions.

The event was co-sponsored by Hunan Provincial People's Committee, Hunan Provincial Sports Bureau and Hunan Daily, and organized by Voice of China Online Website. They worked together to publicize the 12th National Ethnic Minority Traditional Sports Games and create a good atmosphere for participating in the National National Games.

(一审:谢振华 二审:刘乐 三审:石伟)