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雁城夜生活,“衡”很幸福 Hengyang"s Nightlife is Blissful

2024-05-24 17:07:11    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]


衡阳人民的夜生活从一顿烧烤开始,小龙虾、猪油拌粉、炸猪皮、口味田螺,还有各种香辣美味的小串。晚饭过后,在融冠乐街来一场“street walk”。整条街的“多巴胺”涂鸦壁画,还有各种卡通风格的艺术装置,迎着初夏的晚风,一站式体验吃喝玩乐购,幸福在此刻具象化。当暮色更浓,是时候到夜市逛一逛,雁鸣溪夜市去年一经推出就火爆衡阳,一度引领全城的夜市潮流。这里的食物多种多样,味道各有千秋,还有儿童游乐设施、地摊集市、打卡点。人间烟火气,最抚凡人心。(来源:华声在线)

The 3rd Hunan Tourism Development Conference will be held from September 20 to 22 in Hengyang. Today I'll take you to Hengyang BBQ, which has conquered the taste buds of “gobbler”. Stroll through the “Dopamine” style Rongguanle Street. Taste the snacks of Yanmingxi Night Market.Let's unlock the blissful Hengyang nightlife together.

The night life of Hengyang people begins with a barbecue, crawfish, lard mix rice noodles, fried pork rinds, flavored snails, and a variety of spicy and delicious small skewers. After dinner, take a “street walk” on Rongguanle Street. There's a street full of “dopamine” graffiti murals and various cartoon-style art installations. In the eveningwithbreeze of early summer, the one-stop experience of eating, drinking, playing, shopping, happiness is materialized at this moment. When the twilight is thicker, it's time to take a stroll to the night market, Yan Mingxi night market launched last year was popular in Hengyang, which led the city's night market trend. The food here is varied and has a variety of flavors. There are also children's rides, ground stall bazaars, and punch points. The fireworks of the human world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals.

(一审:夏博 二审:卢小伟 三审:鲁红)