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在湖南,描述“山”的汉字没有一个是多余的 In Hunan, No Chinese Character Describing “mountain” is Superfluous

2024-05-24 17:03:35    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]


Small hills are called “Qiu”,e.g. Mahuangqiu in Chenzhou. Big mountains are called “Ling”, e.g.Yuelu Mountain in Changsha. Larger mounds of earth are called “Shan”,e.g.Langshan in Shaoyang. Small and pointed mountains are called “Luan”,e.g. Yubi Peak in Zhangjiajie. High and pointed mountains are called “Feng”, e.g. Goulou Peak in Hengyang. High and big mountains are called “Yue”, e.g.Nanyue Hengshan. High and steep mountains are called “Qiao”, e.g.Jiuyi Mountain in Yongzhou. The steep side of the mountain is called “Ya”,e.g.the Three Rock Gates of Meijiang in Loudi. Mountains that are connected to each other are called “Ling”, e.g.Gaoyiling in Chenzhou. Between two mountains is called “Gu”, e.g. Shennong Valley in Zhuzhou. Two mountains opposite each other, there is water for the “Xia”, e.g. Zuolong Gorge in Xiangxi. In Hunan, no Chinese character describing “mountain” is superfluous.

(一审:夏博 二审:卢小伟 三审:鲁红)