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暴雨导致滑坡 怀化一地提前转移群众避险 Heavy rainfall Led to Landslides,Huaihua Moved People in Advance to Avoid Danger

2024-05-14 17:15:53    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]





Because oftheheavy rain, landslides and geologic disasters are prone to cause casualties. Recently, Zhongfang County,Huaihua transferred residents in advance of the geologic disaster. A total of 33 households,67 people, were moved across the county, causing no casualties.

On May 11, inspectors from the Natural Resources Department of Xinluhe Township, Zhongfang County, found turbid flowing water in the mountain at thegeological hazards of lampshade in Group 9 of Xinluhe Village. There is a risk of landslide! The inspectors decided to move the occupants of nearby residential houses.

“Around 7:30 am, it was raining heavily and government workers came to help us move.”Villager Yang Heimei, a resident of the damaged house, described the situation as follows,“My husband was sick earlier and had mobility problems, it was the staff who carried him out and helped us to successfully avoid the danger, Thank them very much.”

Since the flood season began,geological disaster prevention and controlhaveentered a period of key prevention. Huaihua geologic disaster prevention and control command center strengthen the duty scheduling, encrypted consultation and judgment, timely warning and forecasting. Staff from the natural resources offices in each township inspect and monitor landslide sites several times a day and provide timely documentation and feedback. In case of rainy days, intensive monitoring inspections will be at least 3 times, if they find dangerous situations, they will promptly organize the transfer of people to avoid danger.

(一审:罗江龙 二审:蒋俊 三审:蒋玉青)