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湖南高速新规来了:超速10%以下不罚 Hunan High-speed New Rules: Speeding Less than 10% Impunity

2024-05-13 17:23:50    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]




In order to better integrate the development and safety, and further respond to the new expectations of the people, to enhance the people's experience of highway traffic, recently, the Hunan Provincial Highway Traffic Police Department issued the “standardization of highway speeding violations investigation and handling of eight measures”.

About standardize speed enforcement:Before May 31, there will be a comprehensive comb of all speed measuring equipment.  Remove simulation speed measuring equipment. No mobile speed tests unless necessary. Optimize the speed of some road sections with lower speed limit values and announce them to the public in a timely manner.

About speeding violation penalty adjustment:Clear small cars speeding less than 10%, no fine and no points. Small cars speeding 10% (including) more than not up to 20%,givethe first violation of the applicable warning. The first violation of the warning, is not caused by traffic accidents, and this traffic violation occurred within six months before the vehicle and driver in the province has no record of traffic violations, past traffic violations have been dealt with, can be given a warning penalty.

(一审:杨露 二审:蒋俊 三审:蒋玉青)