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祝福!“感动中国”的湖南女孩江梦南结婚了“People Who Moved China”Hunan Girl Jiang Mengnan Got Married

2024-05-11 16:51:14    [撰稿:万姗姗]   





On May 2, Jiang Mengnan's wedding was held in Anhui Province, and the groom was her classmate atQinghua University. At the wedding, Jiang Mengnan wore a white wedding dress and stood hand in hand with her lover, with a sweet smile on her face. This girl whowas through many thorny paths has been treated gently by the world, and has been happy ever since.

Jiang Mengnan was born in 1992 in Yizhang County, Chenzhou, Hunan Province. Her parents chose the name for her to symbolize the dream of Jiangnan and thepeace of the years. However, when she was half a year old, she suffered from severe neurological deafness due to ototoxic drugs, and her colorful childhood was plunged into endless silence.In order for their daughter to adapt to society, Jiang Mengnan's parents gave up teaching her sign language, but let her learn pronunciation and lip reading. From words to phrases, Jiang Mengnan looked in the mirror to learn the mouth shape, touched her parents' throats to learn pronunciation, and learned to“listen”and“speak”through lip reading.

Jiang Mengnan“listened”to the lessons by“reading”the teacher's mouth, and with her amazing hard work and memory, she was always in the top of the class. She went on to receive her bachelor's and master's degrees from Jilin University, and her PhD fromQinghua University's School of Life and Sciences in 2018. She became the only student in her hometown in recent years to enter akey university and eventually go toQinghua University to study forPhD, and was named“People Who Moved China”in 2021.

Jiang Mengnan has always had a hero's dream of“healing the sick and saving people, getting rid of diseases”, she has never forgotten to feel the world with her heart, and her goal is also clear - that is to solve the problems of life and health. Currently, Jiang Mengnan is working as a postdoctoral fellow at Westlake University, and she has firmly written“engaging in scientific research”into her future.

(一审:谢振华 二审:余画 三审:石伟)