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周末不忙 去趟衡阳 It"s Not a Busy Weekend Let"s Go to Hengyang

2024-05-11 16:45:53    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]


The morning rush hour when you can't move in the car, why not climb the highest peak in Nanyue? Why don't you go to Hengyang to follow yourtravellingdesire when you are in the office? There's a test for each in the puzzle, so why not go to Hengyang for a break? Reads as many as ten thousand books and travels as far as ten thousand miles. We came to Hengyang for a walk. It's not a busy weekend,let'sgo to Hengyang.

(一审:谢振华 二审:余画 三审:石伟)