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湘江夜景的另一种打开方式 Another Way to Open the Night View of Xiangjiang River

2024-05-09 17:01:57    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]



As time moves to May, cicadas appear. Take Metro Line 2 toJuzizhou Station and walkbeside the Xiangjiang River. After the hustle and bustle of the day, the lights along both sides of the river are lit up, the water is sparkling, the breeze is blowing, and the beautiful nighttime colors of the Xiangjiang River are officially staged.

《Changsha 8pm》takes a stroll along the banks of the Xiangjiang River, enjoy the romantic city“light show”, and open the unlimited imagination of this summer.

(一审:龙晓龙 二审:余画 三审:石伟)