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长沙坡子街派出所成网红打卡地 Changsha Tianxin District Pozijie Police Station Becomes a Popular Spot

2024-05-06 16:59:38    [撰稿:万姗姗]    [来源:华声在线]



Changsha Tianxin District PozijiePoliceStationbecomes a popular spotduring May Dayvacation.The line in front of the police station is long, and many tourists come here specifically to make a crouch-down and head-holding gesture and pretend they have been arrested.The police station has specially placed a loudspeaker at the gate, which keeps playing to remind visitors to reach a checkpoint in civilized:”Please be civilized toreach the checkpoint, it is strictly prohibited to crouch or hold the head to take pictures, thank you for your cooperation.”

Previously, a documentary titled “the Guardians of Jiefangxi” exploded in popularity. The film, set in the Pozijie Police Station, shows the daily work of grassroots police officers, and is quite popular with viewers.


(一审:夏博 二审:余画 三审:石伟)